วันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Thidarat Mutchachan’micro teaching

Thidarat Mutchachan’micro teaching

          Firstly, she started the lesson by greeting students and talked to the students about the content of this lesson then, she taught vocabulary about direction by let students played question ball game. For example, Why the direction is very important for you? and Did you have some knowledge about how to tell the direction? After that, She shown the VDO about direction to the student and asked the questions. Can you remember vocabulary about direction from this VDO?  Next, she gave sheet no.1, 2 and gave task no.1, 2 to the students and let them work in pairs. After students finished to do task 1 and 2, teacher and students were checked the answers together. Moreover, she told students to divide into group to study the map about Nakon Si Thammarat province and presented it in front of the class. In the end of the lesson, she taught grammar how to asking and giving direction sentences.
          Let’s talk about her Instructional Medias, she prepared power point, VDO about asking for direction, Map of Nakon Si Thammarat province, sheet no 1, 2 and Task no 1, 2, and 3She used appropriate authentic materials that is, Map of Nakon Si Thammarat province. It was very interesting. The skills that she wanted to focus for this lesson were listening and speaking.
          My suggestions, she should speak some words more clearly. She has to walk around classroom and try to observe students in class. Last, she should use the classroom language to checking the students understand before doing any tasks.

Nunthiya’s micro teaching

                From Nunthiya’s micro teaching, I would like to reflect her teaching to develop and adopt in my teaching. The micro teaching is related to Tourism and the Environment in lesson: “The beaches are disappearing”. The time required in this lesson is an hour per period. I found that his micro teaching is full of useful techniques and materials; however, there is something that needs to be developed. Lesson plan “The beaches are disappearing” consists of aim, objectives, standards, evaluation, lesson plan outline, and rubric. In lesson plan outline consists of pre-task (15 minutes), task-cycle (30 minutes), and language focus (15 minutes). Here are some reflections of her micro-teaching.
                 The lesson name is“The beaches are disappearing” Nunthiya has set the learning standard as the following; 1.1(4): Answer questions from listening to and reading sentences, dialogues and 1.2 (5): Speak and write to describe their own feelings and opinions about various matters, activities, experiences and news/incidents, as well as provide justifications appropriately. Terminal objectives: Students will be able to listen to the story and the conversation about the beach in Thailand. Moreover, she has set the enabling objective as follows: Students will be able to listen and answer questions from the story and the conversation about the beach in Thailand and student will be able to speak and write to describe their own feelings and opinions about the beach using expressing obligation. In the teaching steps, she introduces students about the new vocabulary, and then she lets students match the picture with the correct words. I think that it is a great idea to teach students the vocabulary by game. Moreover, her classroom language is quite good. Nevertheless, there are some mistakes that she can do it better if she improves it. The recording of the conversation relating to the lesson “The beaches are disappearing” represents of her enthusiasm in teacher, but she can do it better, if she native speakers in her audio recording.

                  In conclusion “The beaches are disappearing” is one of good lessons to teach English with public mind, if teacher designs the goal and the content appropriately.  In addition, Nunthiya s’ teaching materials are very interesting, but in some activities need to be to developed to be the better ones. However, “The beaches are disappearing” is the lesson that enhances students to think the ways to take care the world and public mind to save the environment and help the others. At the end of lesson students can get both knowledge and morality. 

Rawitporn Malasan’s micro teaching

Rawitporn Malasan’s micro teaching
          The lesson that she has taught about Eco in my classroom    . She started the lesson by greeting students and asked the students to think about the key words in my classroom such as turn off the light, saving etc. Next, she gave sheet no.1 to students and lets them work. After that, Teacher and students were checked the correct answers together. Then, Teacher told students opened sheet no.2. It was about the conversation “Turn down the TV!” and teacher shown power point. Teacher divided students into 4 groups to practice the conversation by reading aloud. After finished practicing the conversation, teacher wanted 2 volunteer to do role play about the conversation (Turn down the TV!) in front of the class. Moreover, she gave example sentences about Eco in my classroom such as please close the door, please turn off the light, please turn off the TV, Turn off the fan, please take stairs up one floor etc.
          Let’s see her Instructional Medias, she prepared a beautiful power point, VDO about Eco classroom, the conversation about “Turn down the TV!” The skills that she wanted to focus for this lesson were listening and speaking.
          My suggestions, she should speak more clearly. She has to use eyes contact with her students. And she has to improve her rubrics. 

Ornpatthra Promchan's micro teaching test

                               Ornpatthra Promchan's micro teaching test
                   She taught about warning. She started with situation. There are pictures and sentences for gave students guess what we are learn today. Next step, she gave students worksheet and opened conversation while they listen they can do in the same time.
                    She checks the correctness and gave students read conversation after she told the answers. Next, she taught the vocabulary by opened sound for students practice like foreigner by she let students repeat after sound. After that, she divided students into five groups for present the conversation about warning from given pictures. When students ready they go to present in the front of class.
                   In my opinion, she chose the many materials for her lesson but she did not walk around a classroom. It made students seldom interested. Her picture cards were too small and her command sometimes did not clear.


Kannika Intharapruksa's micro teaching test

                                     Kannika  Intharapruksa's micro teaching test 
                   She taught about help our planet by used present simple tense. She started with let is students listen the audio and asked them what video about. Secondly, she showed the vocabulary about lesson such as recycle, reduce, reuse, unplug, turn off etc. She gave a worksheet and students did while they listen conversation.
                   After that, she gave worksheet two about asking that how often and what do you do for save our planet. She divided students into two groups for communicate the conversation. Language focus is about discusses language feather with students and explain language structures with all students.

                   In my opinion, she talked loudly and clear but sometimes she command not clear. She forgot some step for teaching but all her taught is okay.

Thidawan Sawekwang's micro teaching test

                                        Thidawan  Sawekwang 
                   She taught about ‘cleaning my house’. She started with show the pictures about rooms in house and asks students what we are going to learn today. After that, she shows the vocabulary for lesson and gave students repeat after sound for pronounce like the foreigner.
                    When started to the lesson she asked student about their house such as rooms at house and the activity that students did in their house. She opened conversation to students but she did not give a worksheet at first but she gave after students listened at twice times.
She divided students into five groups and gave a sentence. When students in each group read sentence they have to make conversation about situation given and present with role play.

                   In my opinion, her taught is good because she wants students to think and practice by listening and speaking skills. She taught especial contents about cleaning house.

Phichaya Khunchamnaan's micro teaching test

                   He started with the video about acid rain for ask students what we are going to learn. Those made students think by themselves.
Teacher review the vocabulary by having students to play game for made students have fun and learn in the same time.
                   Students can find your partner and show the picture card in front of class. Then, teacher taught the vocabulary by show the meaning in Thai and gave students repeat after him. That is all of vocabulary about acid rain. In addition, teacher divided student in group to rearrange the sentences and use them to explain the cycle of acid rain. There was structure of lesson; teacher used ‘will’ by subject+will+v1 for class today.
                   In my opinion, he had many activities to improve his students and he opened the video for students’ interest. I think game can help students remember and fun more than teacher gave especial contents. But if he did not awestruck he will do better than his past.

วันเสาร์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557

KanthidaWoonkong’s micro teaching test

                             KanthidaWoonkong’s micro teaching test
          She started the lesson by greeting and checking students’ attendance then, she taught vocabulary by let students listening audio and guess what the words that they heard. After that, check understanding of students about meaning. Next, she taught the conversation about how to asking and giving direction and then let student practice by dividing the students into two groups. She map’ specify  for let students design situation for practice conversation with their partner. Teacher assign task for the students by drawing map and create conversation with their pairs. Last, she taught grammar how to asking and giving direction sentences.

          Comments : She speak loudly but some word does not clear. Her personality is perfect, she walked around classroom and try to observe students in class. She use appropriate authentic materials such as word cards, picture cards, flash cards, map etc. but map almost small size because just shown in powerpoint, she should give map for every students.

NatnareeSaiwijit’smiro teaching tes

                              NatnareeSaiwijit’smiro teaching test
She begun the lesson by greeting and asking the question about health problems and then she told her event past that her mom take care when she sick by using fruits or vegetables. After that, she gave worksheet to the students about name of Thai herb and health problem , turned on audio sounds for teaching vocabulary together. The exciting step is play game “smell and touch”, she divided students into two groups and came in front of the class to play game. Next, she opened VDO about some situation (A man go to see the doctor) and she asked “What wrong with him?” In the task circle, she gave student to  match the pictures of herbs with the health problems that they can be used to treat. Lastly, she focused on auxiliary : should for suggestions about health problems and emphasized the vocabulary that met before.

Comments : She used authentic materials such as Thai herbs, word cards, picture cards, all of these are very good. Her pronunciation is clear and loudly. There were many activities for the students to participate, we can say that active classroom.

Tipperat Meabua's micro teaching test

                                                        Tipperat Meabua's micro teaching test
                        she started the lesson by greeting and ask some questions about giving direction. Then, Students were stimulated by asking questions that where do you often  go and why. After, students giving the answer,teacher wrote the answer onto the power point. For example:   a convenient shop: to buy things,   a swimming pool: to exercise,  a zoo: to enjoy looking at wild animals. Next, teacher chose the place near the school and  let the students gave direction to that place. Do you know what we will learn today? she asked. 
                   After that, students watched the video about asking for and giving direction. They had to listen to the audio and repeated after the audio. After listening the audio, teacher divided students into two groups (group A and group B) and gives conversation about asking and giving direction to the students. Then students in each group read aloud the given conversation. Then, teacher asked students to sit in pair and practiced asking for and giving directions with their partner by using the map. Next, teacher explained the preposition that used  to giving direction such as turn left, turn right, go straight, between, across from, opposite, next to, at the corner, etc. Before finishing the lesson, she summarized the contents again.

                       Comments: Classroom language should be developed and teacher should gain more self - confident. But the overall teaching seems very good.

วันศุกร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557


            หลักสูตรและการจัดการเรียนรู้ถือเป็นวิทยาการที่สำคัญอย่างหนึ่งในวงการศึกษา หลักสูตรที่มีการใช้ในปัจจุบันนั้นล้วนแล้วแต่ได้รับการพัฒนาจากยุคหนึ่งมาสู่อีกยุคหนึ่งแล้วทั้งสิ้น เพื่อให้เกิดการพัฒนาในทุกๆด้าน วัตถุประสงค์ เป้าหมาย  การจัดการเรียนการสอน  ตัวชี้วัด และการวัดและประเมินผลผล เป็นต้น  ซึ่งทุกอย่างที่เกิดจากการพัฒนาหลักสูตรและการจัดการเรียนรู้นั้นจะทำให้เกิดประสิทธิภาพ และประสิทธิผลทางการศึกษา กล่าวคือผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการศึกษาของนักเรียนดีขึ้นจากการเรียนตามหลักสูตรและการจัดการเรียนรู้ ดังนั้นนักศึกษาที่เรียนสายการสอนจึงต้องได้รับการสอนวิชาหลักสูตรและการจัดการเรียนรู้ตามที่คณะกำหนดเพื่อเป็นพื้นฐานของการเป็นครูผู้สอนอย่างมืออาชีพในอนาคต
         จากการเรียนวิชาหลักสูตรและการจัดการเรียนรู้กลุ่มสาระภาษาอังกฤษ ที่มุ่งเน้นให้นักศึกษามีทักษะในการนำหลักสูตรสู่การจัดการเรียนการสอนในห้องเรียนได้อย่างมีคุณภาพ ตามสาระและมาตรฐานนั้น หมายความว่าในการเขียนแผนการเรียนการสอน ครูผู้สอนจะต้องศึกษาหลักสูตรอย่างชัดเจนเพื่อที่จะนำไปสู่แผนการสอน สาระและตัวชี้วัดในหลักสูตรจะช่วยให้ครูผู้สอน สอนได้ตรงตามวัตุประสงค์และหาเครื่องมือในการวัดและประเมินได้ตามตัวชี้วัดที่ต้องการสอนในแต่ละสาระ และมาตรฐาน
         ในหลักสูตรแกนกลางการศึกษาขั้นพื้นฐานพุทธศักราช ๒๔๔๑ ได้ระบุสาระ และมาตรฐานสำหรับการเรียนการสอนวิชาภาษาอังกฤษไว้ทั้งสิ้น 4 สาระ 4Cs นั้นคือ 1. Language for Communication, 2. Language for Culture, 3.Language and Relationship with Other Content, 4. Language and Relationship with Community and the World  ซึ่งในแต่ละสาระจะมีมาตรฐานและตัวชี้วัดในแต่ระดับชั้นอย่างชัดเจน ซึ่งในหลักสูตรแกนกลางสำหรับการเรียนภาษาอังกฤษจะคลอบคลุมทุกทักษะ ฟัง พูด อ่าน เขียน เพื่อให้นักเรียนได้เกิดพัฒนาการตามตัวชี้วัดในระดับชั้นเรียนที่ระบุไว้อย่างชัดเจน ทำให้ครูผู้สอนสามารถออกแบแผนการเรียนรู้และการผนวกวิธีการสอนต่างๆได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพตามหลักสูตร
        วิธีการสอนภาษาอังกฤษได้มีการพัฒนา ประยุกต์ และบูรณการ แนวคิด(Approach) และทฤษฏี (Theory) ต่างๆ เพื่อให้เหมาะสมกับนักเรียนที่มีบริบทที่แตกต่างกันออกไป ทั้ง  ESL  (English as a Second Language) และ  EFL (English as a Foreign Language) ซึ่งแต่ละวิธีการก็จะมีลักษณะเด่น และจุดเน้นแตกต่างกันกัน เช่น The Grammar Translation Method , The Direct Method, The Audio Lingual Method, The Silent Way, Community Language Learning, Total Physical Response , Content – based  , Task – based
          ในการสอนภาษาอังกฤษในประเทศไทยในปัจจุบัน วิธีที่ได้รับความนิยมนำมาประยุกต์ใช้ในการเรียนการสอนภาษาอังกฤษคือ Task – based  ซึ่งจะพัฒนาความสามารถทางภาษาของนักเรียนผ่านภาระงาน และกิจกรรมในชั้นเรียน ปัจจุบันจะมุ่งเน้นให้นักเรียนสามารถสื่อสารในชีวิตประจำวันได้ ซึ่งจะแตกต่างกับการสอนภาษาอังกฤษในอดีตที่ครูผู้สอนจะเน้นให้นักเรียนเรียนไวยากรณ์เพื่อเพียงแค่สอบผ่านมากกว่าการสนทนา ดังนั้นการนำกิจกรรมที่ที่เน้นทักษะการสื่อสารมาใช้ในชั้นถือเป็นสิ่งที่กระตุ้นให้นักเรียนเกิดการเรียนรู้ เช่น  การอภิปรายกลุ่ม   สถานการณ์สมมติ  Chain Drill  และ  Information Gap เป็นต้น  เมื่อครูผู้สอนมีความรู้เรื่องวิธีการสอนและการวิเคราะห์หลักสูตรแล้วก็จะทำให้ครูผู้สอนสามารถที่จะออกแบบการเรียนการสอนในชั้นเรียนได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ
          การนำความรู้และประสบการณ์ที่ได้จากการเรียนในรายวิชาหลักสูตรและการจัดการเรียนรู้กลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาอังกฤษไปใช้ในการจัดการเรียนการสอน  ข้าพเจ้าเห็นว่าสิ่งที่ได้เรียนรู้เป็นประโยชน์แก่ตนอย่างยิ่ง เพราะก่อนหน้านี้ไม่เคยทราบถึงกระบวนการออกแบบแผนการเรียนรู้มาก่อน ว่ามีกระบวนการอย่างไร ส่วนวิธีการสอนและแนวคิดที่ควรยึดเป็นหลักในการสอนภาษาอังกฤษจะเป็นแนวทางที่ดีในการสอนภาษาอังกฤษเพื่อให้สามารถจัดกิจกรรมการสอนที่มีประสิทธิภาได้ นอกจากนี้ความรู้เกี่ยวกับหลักสูตรและการจัดการเรียนรู้นี้ก็จะเป็นพื้นฐานแก่ข้าพเจ้าในการศึกต่อในระดับที่สูงขึ้น   สุดท้ายนี้ข้าพเจ้าต้องขอขอบพระคุณ  อาจารย์อนิรุธ ชุมสวัสดิ์ เป็นอย่างยิ่งในการให้คำแนะนำด้านการเรียนเสมอมา

Thanaporn Chaipikun's micro teaching test

                     she started the lesson by stimulating students' attention by the video about the table manners. Then,students were asked the questions from reading the passage about the top ten bad manners. The questions were 1. what manners don't you like the most ? why ? 2. What kind of manners don't you like least? 3. Have you ever experienced with bad manner person before ? please share to your fellow. 
               Next, students were taught about the structure when we want someone's bad manner. The structure was " You should............  because.................. and students were practicing in pair with the following structure. Moreover, the grammar focus was how to use should , must and have to. Students were given the example quite clear. The most exciting thing in her teaching was authentic materials that she used the excellent media.

                  Comments; her overall teaching was very good but I would like her to put more activity in order to practice students's communication skill  such as chain drill or information gap. Her class room language was not very clear . It would be better if she improved more.

วันพุธที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557

ASEAN Plan : Laos ( expression at the airport )

                                       English for Communication
      Unit :  Let’s travel                                                                       Time : 1 : 30 hour
       Grade        9                                                                             Level : intermediate 
      1.2.3  Speak appropriately to express needs , offer help and agree and refuse  at the airport.
      1.2.4 Speak appropriately to ask for and give data, explain and express opinion about tourist attraction.

Terminal Objective
      Students will be able to communicate at the airport appropriately.

Enabling Objectives
1    Students will be able to ask and answer at the airport appropriately.
         Students will be able to express the opinion about the tourist attraction.

Media:  Power Point
             Vocabulary :  suitcase , hand baggage , window seat ,  aisle seat , boarding pass  ,etc.
   Language Focus  ( answering the question at the airport)
                    Q: Can I see your ID and the ticket please ?
                    A: Here you are.

                    Q: Do you have any check – in baggage ?
                    A: Yes, I have ………… /  No , I don’t.

                    Q: Would you like the window seat or the aisle seat ?
                    A: Window seat , please  /  aisle seat please.
        Presentation Observation
        Interviewing after the class


warm – up  (10 minutes)

 Good morning , and welcome to the class today , teacher says.  Students will be called attention by being asked some questions about ASEAN.

 Do you know ASEAN ? 
What does ASEAN stand for ?
Have you ever been to any countries in ASEAN before ?
What is that country like. Please share your experience to your friends.

Okay, today I will take you to a country in ASEAN  but first I would like to show you some vocabulary.

 Now, I will not tell you which country we are going. Let’s the video tell you where we are going. Are you ready? Let’s go.

Presentation  ( 30 minutes)
At  the airport.
T:  Today,  we are going to Laos . Because of going by plane , I would like to practice the airport expression before going.

( pre – listening)
    Students are listening the conversation between the passenger and the airline officer  at the airport.  After listening, Teacher asks what happen in the conversation. What are they talking about ?

( while – listening)
     At this time, students will listen the conversation again and fill out in the blank with the missing words.

(post – listening )
After while – listening , let’s check the answers from the conversation with lyric in the video.

Practice  ( 20 Minutes)
At this moment, I would like you to practice the airport expression.
Students will be taught every sentence and  do chain drill together in the class one by one .

Q: Can I see your ID and the ticket please ?
A: Here you are.

Q: Do you have any check–in baggage?
A: Yes, I have ………… /  No , I don’t.

Q: Would you like the window seat or the aisle seat ?
A: Window seat , please  /  aisle seat please.

Presentation  (25 minutes)
At this stage, I would like you to practice conversation again with your partner and present to the class.

Wrap – up ( 5 minute )
What have you learned today ?
What are the new vocabularies you have learned? Teacher asks.
Point to student to answer individually.
Teacher recalls the contents and vocabulary again before saying good bye.

Power point



mp4 and





observation and check for the exercise

Observation from doing chain drill

Observation from presentation


Jaruwan Chaewchon's micro teaching test

                                     Jaruwan Chaewchon's micro teaching test

            After saying hello , students were shown the pictures about the effect of global warming and asked the questions relating to global warming. After that, students were taught new vocabulary about global warming . In the screen , she showed the vocab , word class , and the definition of the word. It is considered as a good example on teaching vocabulary because it will make students understand the word easier. Then , she led into the first activity which was students had to listen and filled in the blank about global warming . After checking the answers , students were taught the symbol in a word and students practiced to divide the symbol in words together. She showed the video about waste recycling. It is very interesting video that could call students' attention the best. Activity 2 was very exciting . Students had to work in group by sticking the pictures onto the broad with the bins. Students seemed very excited with this activity because they could walk around and the class seemed active and movement. Before finishing the lesson , teacher summarized the contents and said goodbye.

         Comments:  Her authentic materials are very good because they can call students' attention but the thing that she should improve is her classroom language . She seems like less self - confident. If she can improve her language . I thing she will do better next time.


Nattakarn Sukyoy's Micro teaching test

                                              Nattakarn Sukyoy's Micro teaching test

              She started the lesson by showing the video and then she taught the concerning vocabulary about house shore such as  , mop the floor , dusting , sweep the floor ,and wash the cloths, etc.  After that , student would be led into the lesson by playing game in team. Two team volunteer of five came in the front of the class and played guessing game. Both team members must stand in line and the first person picked the picture. Then , they tried to act to tell the next person what the picture is. Finally, the last person had to answer what the picture is, for example, if the first student picks the picture of mopping the floor , he has to act like  mopping  to tell what the picture is.  Next, students were supposed to do chain drill in small group of five by saying about house work. The pattern is " I have to......................'  . The students then had to practice conversation from the dialogue provided and answer the questions relating to the conversation. Next, teacher picked up the language focus and explained how to use it. Before finishing the class, teacher summarized the lesson again and said good bye.

           Comments:  The overall teaching is quite good but something should be developed. First thing I would like her to change the way in teaching language focus because it seems boring. And, students will not pay attention on it as possible. The next one , the handout and the exercise she provided should be decorated more pictures and color in order to capture students' interest. furthermore, i would like to suggest that she should put more activities to practice speaking such as group discussion  or information gap.