วันศุกร์ที่ 4 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Reflect 3 : Teaching writing

                                                                                      Teaching writing
               Writing is categorized as essential skills for not only learners but also workers. It is the important way for communication in the business or government organization to contact with the others formally. For teaching, teaching writing is said to be the difficult task to deal with. Teachers will create teaching writing activities more effectively if they follow the theory or approach suggesting the interesting and useful idea to apply it, for instance , accuracy of process writing ,encouraging writing and producing a finished product. All of those can guide the teachers achieve the goal expected. 
             Accuracy is raised as a core of writing products because all of the ideas will be written on paper which is unable to change after it passes the audience’s eyes. In addition , what will capture readers’ attention to read your idea from top to end must be handwriting. Badly, from handwriting , audience may judge you writing bad although your idea written down is so excellent and creative. To taสk about writing process, it is normally seen in writing course focusing to. To promote students’ products more accurate , going follow the process can help the new writers to excel their written task. In the other hand, he or her who are the old hand can go back and forth to rethink and reconsider your point of view more productive.
               For the real class to promote learners’ writing skill, it is not easy to cope with since writing is said very boring. They have to think and write down numerous steps as its process. It is the great impact for teacher to attempt and encourage them excited and interested to learn through the creative activities. Namely, spontaneous writing is a kind of teaching writing that students will practice instantly without any anxiety .Furthermore, writing together activity can help them practice with a lot of fun and share their idea through discussion. Writing from pictures is an activity that students have to narrate or describe what happens in the picture . What is more ? , Writing from music  can stimulate learners to improve their skills by listening the song and writing down, how the composer feel or describing what happened in the song.
                After finished written task, the last vital step is to publish their work to the public with various way they can do. Portfolio, journal and blogs are the popular way to do so.
Every piece of students’ task has to be graded. It would be easy for the teacher to check their work from their portfolio in the end of the semester. In the other way , students can put the ideas on and submit to the school press to present his or her work to the other school fellow. In addition, the popular way which many school or university learners choose to publish the finished product must be blog. There are various advantages to use blog as a way to present their ideas. Because of being on the internet, the viewers can visit it wherever and whenever. All of those mentioned can well encourage learners to enhance their skill with fun.
                 To sum up , writing teaching, in practice ,must be based on many theories and approaches to help teachers to design teaching method. It will be easier to do so if teachers study and follow those steps thoroughly. The importance of accuracy, writing process and work publishing must be taken into consideration when designing teaching process.

