วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557

Reflect 1 : 4 Cs National Core English Curriculum

                                                           4 Cs National Core English Curriculum

                  In today's globalized era, it is hard to deny to learn English. It is considered as a global language widely used as a tool for communication around the world especially in the industry or developed county. In thailand ,English instruction seems getting more inttention form gorvenment and private sectors to enhance the citizen English skill as so to gear up with the world econonic and educational development . Therefore , As national core curriculum ,  English education consists of 4Cs content as the objectives on learning English for Thai students ; namely , English for Communication , English for Culture , English for Connection / Content and English for Community.Moreover, each of contents also has various standarnds that will support the teachers design pedagogic methods and evaluation  to meet the curriculum goal more effectively.
                   To start with the first C ,English for Communication, It is normally known that learning languages in order to communicate with the others with the fallowing standard that the learners should be. They must understand and interpret from listening and various different kinds of media. Moreover, expressing their own opinion rationally is needed .Basicly,communicative skill is the main standard for the first C which they can present their point of view by speaking and writing.The next C is English for Culture . Its standard will focus on the relationship between culture and language that they have to take into practical appropriately . The difference and similarity between foreign language or culture and Thai's will be taken into use effectively. What is more ? The third C will be English for Connection / Content which emphasize on language linking with other subject content . It means they can use foreign language as a tool to widen their learning world. Next, English for Community is the last C. Its standard will strongly focus on the practical language that they can use with authentic situation and be able to  exchange their ideas with international community.
                     For  teachers to run English class activities, content and standard in national core curriculum will facilitate them a lot . In order to design learnig method and evaluation instrument , the standard can be a good guide to do so. Finally, all of teachers should familiarize with all of them  (4Cs )  and their standards as so to rise English class results more effectively completed.

