วันจันทร์ที่ 30 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557

Reading 3 : The Grammar - Translation Method

                                                 The    Grammar - Translation Method
                           The  Grammar - Translation Method is not new .It has different names , but it has been used by language teacher for many way . At one time , it was called Classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical language,( Chastain 1988 ) . At the beginning of this century, this method was used for the purpose of helping students read and appreciate foreign language literature. It was also hoped that, though the study of the grammar of the target language, students would become more familiar with the grammar of their native language. Finally , it was thought that foreign language learning would help students enhance their abilities.The Grammar - Translation Method  is maybe not new to many of you. You may have studied languages by this method. From various observations , the principle will be shown.
                            A basic purpose of learning foreign language is to be able to read the passage written in the target language.Students need to know about the grammar rules and the vocabulary of target language. The students and teacher roles are different . While teacher has authority in the class, students have to do as teachers say and learn what teacher know. To talk to teaching process, students are taught to translate from one language to another. They are always reading about the culture aspects related to the target language community; therefore , they will learn grammar from the content deductively.They will be told grammar rules and examples the memorize it. Then, they are asked to apply the rules with the other examples. It can say that reading and writing are the primary skills that the students work on. It is much less given attention to speaking and listening. The class interaction is very silent which most of it is from teacher to the students.There is little student initiation and little student - student interaction.
                         To examine the principles and some of the techniques of the grammar translation method, try to make a connection between what you understand and your own perspective to suit the situation. it is true that the fundamental reason of learning a foreign language is to be able to read the composition written in the target language. So , the important basic skill for the students is grammar which will help them to be able to improve the other skills themselves easier.

                                                   from : Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching

Reflect 2 : Communicative Language Teaching ( CLT )

                                                 Communicative Language Teaching ( CLT )
            NSTRU , Tuesday  1, 7 , 2014 , The importance thing related to the instruction for teacher is pedagogical  theory and approach that can pilot teacher how to get the goal in teaching . For English teaching , many popular theories and approaches had been tried out in English class.Some of them could be productively used , but some were failed.The popular one for communicative teaching  is CLT , Communicative Language Teaching. This theory can be a good guide for teacher to run classroom activities as the objectives more effectively done.
               The principles of CLT are crucial direction for the teacher to create teaching process .To provide real communication , authentic or practical expression ,  is regarded as a main element to find out the media. Learners have to experiment and get what they need to know by the activities provided.Moreover, learners' errors can indicate teacher how to build up their competences. Hopefully , accuracy and fluency are the main core of the theory in learning English. All of skills , ( listening , speaking , writing and reading ) should be taught together during the activities as the real situation . Finally , learners will get communicative competences from the content teachers ( facilitator ) have taught.
               To communicate effectively in particular situation or context, learners should have 4 abilities related communicative competences . Linguistics competence is about sounds , vocabulary and structure considered as a basic skill related to other skills. Linguistics competence is not less important because we, in the real world , have to use different register to suit various time and place. Although learning English for ESL is very hard to to retain all the word register, it is necessitated to use as correct as possible. Moreover, Discourse competence seems much needed for learners to practice in order to communicate more effectively. From many complaint , educators or teachers said that  learners in the present era are less proficient on discourse ability. It might reduce the communicative productivity. The last one , Strategic competence is a kind of the way how to utilize languages with the specific objectives or situations. 
                For classroom activities , it is very essential ti provide students opportunity to enhance communicative skill by teaching grammar ( inductively or deductively ) in the context or the dialogue they are practicing in the class . All of the activities should be a good way to stimulate students to communicate, negotiate,and interact with their peers. Moreover, the content that teachers are going to teach should relevant to their lives of interest by using the authentic materials. Authentic materials  or contextualized , real - life materials are those that a student encounters in everyday life but that weren't created for educational purposes (Alejandro G. Martinez, 2002 ). Practical language must be learnt through the role play situations.
                 To sum up, Communicative language  Teaching is the approaches that have developed from a grammar - based  language teaching idea to where the communication is the main objective. Such approaches are CBI and TBI which both of those are the leading approaches most teachers are currently using to teach ESL / EFL around the world. They are proven to be effectively used , and the most important thing is that students are truly learning to use language to communicate their ideas to the different situations. 

Reading 2 : Did you sleep enough last night ?

                                                Did you sleep enough last night ?
                           How do you feel if you don't get enough sleep ? A high school student in America demand to find out about the effect of sleeplessness by creating an experiment for his school science project. He didn't sleep for almost 270 hours with a doctor looking after him carefully. Increadibly, It was seven day with out sleep and what would happen .
                         What effect did sleeplessness have on him ? 24 hours passed by , he began having problem in reading and watching television.The words and picture were too blur. In the third day, he started having troble doing thing with his hands. By the forth day, he was hallucinating. For example , when he saw a street sign, sometime , he thaught it was a person. Moreover , he also thought he was a famous football player. Over the next few day , his speech became so slurred that people couldn't understand him.He also had trouble remembering things. by the eleventh day , he couldn't pass a counting test. In the middle of the test he simply stopped counting .He couldn't remember what he was doing in that time. "hen he finally went to bed for sleep , he slept for almost 15 hours . In the second night , he slept for 12 hours , the third night he slept for 10 hours and by the forth night he had returned to his normal sleep schedule.
                              Even though he returned quickly , various scientists believe that being without sleep can be harmful and dangerous . They state that people should not follow his experiment . Tests on white rats have appeared how dangerous sleeplessness can be .

                            Reference : Linda Lee ,2002. Select Reading .New York: Oxford Press.

Reading 1 : The Future Book

                                                               The Future Book
                    Will people still read books 100 years from now? A few year ago , many people would have said No.It seems likely that computers and the internet would replace books.Nows , however,most experts think that book are here to stay.
                    There are a number of reasons why computer won't replace books entirely. One reason is that book on paper are much cheaper than computers. Books don't need a power source either. You can read a book for as long as you want and wherever you want.You never have to worry about losing power, Also many people feel more comfortable reading words on a computer screen . It is less tring to the eyes. Will books in the future be similar to the book you can buys today ? The answer to that question is no. In the future, you may only need to buy one book. With this one book , you will be able to read novels , plays ,and even today' newpapers. it will look like today book, but it will be electronics. One of the people working on the book of the future is Professor Joseph. Books will have a small botton on the side .When you press the botton ,wort will instantly appear on the page. When you want to read a different story you can put the botton again and a new story will quickly appear.What is the technology behind Professor Joseph's book ? Two important inventors will this new kind of book possible. Electronic ink or e- ink is a liquid that can be printed on paper. Unlike regular ink , words in e- ink are not permanant. They can be changed by pushing a botton. When you push the potton,all of the words on the page go away and new words appear.The other new development is radio paper. This paper look and feel like a page in a book. In reality, raddio paper is made from plastic.

                   Professor Josep call his book of the future "The last Book" This book ,he says , will be the last book you will ever need .

                         Reference : Linda Lee ,2002. Select Reading .New York: Oxford Press.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557

Reflect 1 : 4 Cs National Core English Curriculum

                                                           4 Cs National Core English Curriculum

                  In today's globalized era, it is hard to deny to learn English. It is considered as a global language widely used as a tool for communication around the world especially in the industry or developed county. In thailand ,English instruction seems getting more inttention form gorvenment and private sectors to enhance the citizen English skill as so to gear up with the world econonic and educational development . Therefore , As national core curriculum ,  English education consists of 4Cs content as the objectives on learning English for Thai students ; namely , English for Communication , English for Culture , English for Connection / Content and English for Community.Moreover, each of contents also has various standarnds that will support the teachers design pedagogic methods and evaluation  to meet the curriculum goal more effectively.
                   To start with the first C ,English for Communication, It is normally known that learning languages in order to communicate with the others with the fallowing standard that the learners should be. They must understand and interpret from listening and various different kinds of media. Moreover, expressing their own opinion rationally is needed .Basicly,communicative skill is the main standard for the first C which they can present their point of view by speaking and writing.The next C is English for Culture . Its standard will focus on the relationship between culture and language that they have to take into practical appropriately . The difference and similarity between foreign language or culture and Thai's will be taken into use effectively. What is more ? The third C will be English for Connection / Content which emphasize on language linking with other subject content . It means they can use foreign language as a tool to widen their learning world. Next, English for Community is the last C. Its standard will strongly focus on the practical language that they can use with authentic situation and be able to  exchange their ideas with international community.
                     For  teachers to run English class activities, content and standard in national core curriculum will facilitate them a lot . In order to design learnig method and evaluation instrument , the standard can be a good guide to do so. Finally, all of teachers should familiarize with all of them  (4Cs )  and their standards as so to rise English class results more effectively completed.